You love your pet... we do too! Travelling with your pet doesn't exclude you from enjoying all that Shark Bay has to offer.
While pets cannot be taken into the National Parks, there are dog friendly caravan parks, attractions and beaches. There are even pet sitters available for your furry friend! Contact Us for their details.
Pet Friendly Accommodation
Pet Friendly Attractions & Tours
Animal Exercise Areas
Prohibited Dog Areas
1080 Bait - Department of Parks & Wildlife
Pet Friendly Accommodation
The accommodation providers listed below allow pets by prior arrangement. The breed and nature of your companion is usually requested, and a bond or fee may also apply. Please be advised that dogs may not be allowed inside the premises.
Denham Seaside Caravan Park (camping only)
1 Stella Rowley Drive
Denham WA 6537
Nanga Bay Resort (camping only)
Nanga Road
Nanga, WA, 6537
RAC Monkey Mia Dolphin Resort (camping only)
1 Monkey Mia Road
Monkey Mia, WA, 6537
Please contact RAC for full T & C’s with regard to pets on site.
Shark Bay Caravan Park (camping only)
10 Spaven Way
Denham, WA, 6537
Hartog Cottages
Hartog Crescent,
Denham, WA, 6537
P 08 9948 1590
Hamelin Pool Caravan Park (camping only)
Hamelin Pool Road,
Hamelin Pool, WA, 6537
P 08 9942 5905
Shire of Shark Bay Campsites
Eagle Bluff, Whalebone Bay, Fowlers Camp & Goulet Bluff.
Pet Friendly Attractions & Tours
Ocean Park Aquarium
Dogs on a lead can take a tour of the aquarium and join their owners for lunch or coffees, provided they utilise the deck and beer garden tables.
Allows dogs on leads outside on the balcony terrace of the restaurant.
Allows dogs
Dogs are permitted in the Monkey Mia Reserve on a lead but cannot enter the 90 metre dolphin interaction zone.
Dogs are permitted at recreation sites around Nanga Nation Park but baiting for foxes occurs outside designated recreation sites, therefore please keep to the main tourist sites and exercise caution.
Animal Exercise Areas
Dogs are welcome in Denham as long as they are on a lead in public areas. There are two dog beaches, located at each end of Knight Terrace. Little Lagoon and the Town Oval are also dog friendly. For a map of the dog walking areas, please click here.
Prohibited Dog Areas
National Parks
Pets are not permitted in the Francois Peron National Park, Dirk Hartog Island, and Edel Land including Steep Point. Restricting dogs and cats in National Parks and reserves is for the protection of native wildlife and consideration of other park users.
Shell Beach
Dogs are not allowed on the beach at Shell Beach but are allowed in the car park.
Monkey Mia Reserve
Dogs are not permitted in the dolphin interaction area in Monkey Mia which is a 90 metre area on the beach. Dogs are allowed on a lead in all other areas of Monkey Mia Conservation Park.
Dogs are not permitted in the Hamelin Pool Marine Nature Reserve (stromatolite car park and boardwalk) but dogs on leads are permitted at Hamelin Pool Caravan Park & Telegraph Station.
Please note that guide dogs accompanying visually impaired people are exceptions and are permitted in areas managed by Parks and Wildlife.
1080 Bait - Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions carries out a 1080 baiting program in Shark Bay. The program facilitates control of feral cats and foxes because of their devastating impacts on native species. The 1080 poison does not harm native wildlife but is lethal to dogs and cats. Pets owners should be aware that national parks and reserves are baited throughout the year and MUST be considered dangerous for pets at all times. Please DO NOT take your pet into areas baited with 1080. For more detailed information please click here or for a detailed map click here.
Travellers should also be made aware of sea hares which can be washed up along the beach. Sea hares carry toxin which are harmful to a dog, do not let your dog engage (lick, sniff or ingest) with a sea hare.
Please note there is no permanent vet in the Shark Bay area, the closest vets are located in Carnarvon or Geraldton. There is a travelling vet:
Shark Bay Vet Clinic
Rick Fenny
P 0408 936 061
Geraldton Midwest Veterinary Clinic
117 Cathedral Road
P 08 9964 3671
Chapman Animal Hospital
74 North West Coastal Highway
P 08 9964 2828
Sanford Veterinary Clinic
163 North West Coastal Highway
P 08 9921 1797
Coral Coast Vet Hospital
12 Bassett Way
P 08 9941 1155
Carnarvon Vet Hospital
318 Robinson Street
P 08 9941 1886